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The AfD's Potential for Growth Lies with Protest Voters

60% of AfD voters are protest voters

The AfD has a lot of potential to grow, and one of its biggest potential pools of voters is protest voters. Protest voters are people who are dissatisfied with the current government and are looking for a change. They may not agree with all of the AfD's policies, but they are willing to vote for them in order to send a message to the current government.

The AfD has been successful in attracting protest voters

The AfD has been very successful in attracting protest voters. In the recent state elections in Brandenburg and Saxony, the AfD won 23% and 27% of the vote, respectively. This is a significant increase from the party's previous performances in these states. The AfD's success is due in part to the fact that it has been able to tap into the growing dissatisfaction with the current government. Many voters are feeling that the government is not doing enough to address their concerns, and they are looking for an alternative.

The AfD is likely to continue to grow in the future

The AfD is likely to continue to grow in the future. The party has a lot of momentum, and it is likely to continue to attract protest voters. The AfD is also likely to benefit from the fact that the current government is not doing enough to address the concerns of voters. If the government does not start to take action, the AfD is likely to continue to grow and could eventually become a major force in German politics.


The AfD has a lot of potential to grow, especially with protest voters. The party has been very successful at attracting these voters, and it is likely to continue to do so in the future. The AfD is also likely to benefit from the fact that the current government is not doing enough to address the concerns of voters. If the government does not start to address these concerns, the AfD is likely to continue to grow.
