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Health Beat How Integrative Oncology Is Saving Lives

Health Beat: How integrative oncology is saving lives

What is integrative oncology?

Integrative oncology is a field of medicine that combines conventional cancer treatments with complementary and alternative therapies. These therapies may include acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, meditation, and nutritional counseling. Integrative oncology is based on the belief that cancer is a complex disease that requires a multifaceted approach to treatment.

How does integrative oncology work?

Integrative oncology works by combining the best of conventional cancer treatments with complementary and alternative therapies. This approach allows patients to receive the benefits of both conventional treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, and complementary and alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, meditation, and nutritional counseling.

Integrative oncology is not a replacement for conventional cancer treatments. Rather, it is a complementary approach that can help patients to improve their quality of life, reduce their symptoms, and improve their chances of survival.

What are the benefits of integrative oncology?

There are many benefits to integrative oncology, including:

  • Improved quality of life
  • Reduced symptoms
  • Improved chances of survival

Integrative oncology can help patients to improve their quality of life by reducing their symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, and nausea. It can also help patients to improve their chances of survival by enhancing the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments.

Who is a good candidate for integrative oncology?

Integrative oncology is a good option for patients who are looking for a more holistic approach to cancer treatment. It is also a good option for patients who have not seen success with conventional cancer treatments.

How do I find an integrative oncologist?

To find an integrative oncologist, you can ask your doctor for a referral. You can also search for integrative oncologists in your area online.


Integrative oncology is a promising field of medicine that has the potential to improve the lives of cancer patients. By combining the best of conventional cancer treatments with complementary and alternative therapies, integrative oncology can help patients to improve their quality of life, reduce their symptoms, and improve their chances of survival.
